Friday, August 29, 2008

Fingers Crossed

Dropping off my selection for TIFF last night, I ended up with lukcy number box 33. Okay, calling it lucky may be a little premature, but here's hoping.

My whittled down list of 10 films, and 6 alternates are:

Wendy & Lucy
Blind Sunflowers
$5 a Day

The Brothers Bloom
The Paranoids

The Other Man

Hurt Locker
Is There Anybody There?

Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist
The Biggest Chinese Restaurant in the World

I usually end up adding most of my alternates on for a healthy dose of film festival fun.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lights, Camera, Action

The new TIFF Festiblog is, moved. Migrated over from other various blog sites, most notably So forgive the lack of pictures for now. I'm in the process of migrating over older posts and photos from TIFFs past and will be fully functional to document all that is TIFF 08.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Making the Selection

Now that the TIFF schedule has been released, film fest mania has begun to set in. Whisperings by the watercooler have sprung up with people discussing what they are thinking of taking in at teh fest, although no one wants to step out and make their selections official yet. it’s more of a testing the waters to see if someone else has picked up on a film that you’ve overlooked or might have otherwise missed.

Having to cut my TIFF screenings back this year in order to recouperate (due to a trip to China mere days after the fest ends and an insane work schedule), I’m much pickier with my selections. So far, the buzz has been circulating around the Midnight Madness film Martyrs which-if the gossip is to be belived- is one of the scariest films to come about in a while…or at least since last fest’s A l’interieur (aka, Inside, now on DVD). There are also quite a few foreign films that seem like a sure bet like The Paranoids, and Blind Sunflowers. For foreign buffs, TIFF is a great opportuinity to see films that never make it into North American theatres or even on DVD.

The TIFF website has their 500+ list of stars scheduled attend the festivities this year- everyone from Brad Pitt, Ralph Fiennes, Liam Neeson, Queen Latifah, and Laura Linney, Matt Damon, Jennifer Hudson, and Spike Lee. Those interested in stargazing will have plenty to gawk at.